Saturday, May 17, 2008

Hobbling Along

After thirty hours of travel, I'm here! Africa is amazing! But, the roads are not paved and yesterday while I was running I sprained my ankle. How convenient. Today everyone is rafting the nile, but sadly, I am not.

The projects are not wuite yet underway, so I'll fill you in on the living conditions and a little bit about what we have been doing.
THE HOUSE: The other fifteen volunteers and I live a house in Lugazi. The house has two showers (one actually gets warm water occasionally), one toilet, the tiniest kitchen you could imagine, is gated and guarded at night, and welcomes insects of various sorts. I thought the cold showers and bugs would get to me, but I'm already used to it.
THE FOOD: We have two great cooks who prepare a delicious dinner every weeknight. The meal usually consists of a few of the following: matoke (boiled plantains), cooked cabbage, rice, beans, eggplant, pumpkin squash, chipote (tortillas) and my personal favorite, freshly-squeezed passion fruit juice.
THE DAY: We are all in the process of writing our project proposals. I will be over women's groups. We have attended a town council meeting regarding children's rights. It was almost four hours long. We have also been working at an orphanage called Hope, doing construction and playing with the children. Yesterday I traveled to Mukono to the Broadway Bakery to see what I can do to help with some accounting catch-up. We don't really have a set schedule yet, so each day is different. I'm hoping the projects will be underway soon. I can't wait to help. Africa is great. more to come...


Sara said...

Amber, I miss you mucho. I am a little bit lonely here in 223 but I guess it helps me be more productive sooo that's good right? I'm so sad that you sprained your ankle and didn't get to raft the Nile. What a bummer, that would have been so awesome. But I'm sure you'll do many more fun things like that for the 4 months you'll be out there. Also, I got accepted into the Masters Program!!!! yeeeeeeeaaaaahhh So that's my good news. Keep updating your blog so I can see what you're up to. Be safe, and don't get eaten by bugs. That would be gross. I love you!

Jen said...

We are sad to hear about your ankle, but it sounds like you made the most of the situation. The Nile has big bugs anyway. We love you and miss your guts. A couple of FYI's: Teresa is improving everyday. Roy is still boring. And McKay and Cole are eating Cheerios. Take care of your injured self. We still can't believe you're in Africa and it's funny to tell people! Mom says be safe and careful and that she loves you and misses your bright shining face! Mom is going to learn how to blog and is very excited, she just can't wait for the blog-mania!

Ruth J said...

I'm glad you made it safe! I thought about you on our travel day as I was enroute to Florida. As long as that seemed, you had me beat hands down. :-)

Be safe!!

Marcus Lane said...

we are sad tohear about your ankle. everything else sounds amazing. have fun! thanks for coming to the wedding too.